A Look at Steve Cook Lifeonaire’s Offering: Is it right for YOU?
Does Steve Cook’s Real Estate and Lifeonaire Program offers an escape from Life as they know it. He claims to be a Lifeonaire. First I was unfamiliar with the term so I did some digging and came across their website lifoenoaire.com
The pitch?
Don’t just try to become wealthy, try to design a life that you actually love. Start living that life today and the wealth will come. The bottom line is they suggest that you get to choose.
Truth be told, I am all for this. I love the idea of architecting a life.
But the big question lingering in the back of my mind comes up.
It’s the same question that you should be asking yourself right now.
Know what the question is?
-Hype or Help: All of these things that offer a silver bullet strategy, remind me of those commercials.

You know the ones that say: In 10 minutes a day you can have abs of steel OR A body like this. All you got to do _____ (fill in the blank).
They claim:
- It’s Simple
- Effective
- Easily Obtainable
- and no one else is offering what we are offering
How many times have you ordered something and found that it really wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. There was some hidden piece that wasn’t mentioned?
I am all for truth in marketing.
Like you I have fallen hook, line and sinker for all of the newest, latest and greatest coming down the pipeline that we’re going to somehow fill my life.
The reality?
There ends up being a whole lot of work associated with designing a life. It really doesn’t matter how much you have read, you have to implement what you read.
Most of us don’t need a whole Lotta more information what we need is true action.
-We even stand in our own way. Self-imposed prisons on what we “still need” in order to go after our dreams.
I mean how do you typically go about your day? Do you ever find yourself driving to the wrong place because you have conditioned yourself to take that route? You intend on going one way but then your brain takes over on auto-pilot and takes you to a whole different place?
10 minutes later, you realize you were supposed to take the exit. NOW you just joined LATEville. LOL
-ever happened to you?
I believe that’s because we do a lot of life on autopilot. We don’t really sit down and decide what we’re going to do and we are going to do it.
Typically most of us just let life come as it may.
Not you though. You are here….still reading.
Good job. Now that I have gotten rid of the coy clickers that aren’t that serious about changing their lives, you and I can get down to real business.
For the record before I go any further, I want to recognize your commitment to changing your life.
’cause I KNOW…
You would not be sifting through countless pages on the web trying to figure out what it is you want to do with your life and how you can improve it
if you didn’t have a deep desire to make a great change.
Now, let me get on with the intention of this site. I’ve got a great review on Steve Cook for you and you could read it ad nausea him, But before I give it to you I want to make a suggestion to you.
Spend a lot of time on the site. Not necessarily because I’m so great, But because there is a lot of cool free information.
My mentor James who really helped me get a handle on how to do life and be efficient as well as make money online has put a lot of great information together for me. I’ve included it on the site so that you can take away something from it as well.
My goal is to help you in one way or another.
I want you to go away better than when you found me.
Learn more… click here.
So what is it you are after?
I’m certain that you’re not trying to become one of the 95% of real estate investors who fail. The statistic is real.
How do I know?
Well, I am done my research…AND more importantly I FAILED Horribly.
I am one of the 95%.
I lost nearly everything in real estate investing and I am here to give you some hope. I found a better way.
Steve Cook’s Background and Bio
Steve Cook is a man of God, author, coach, real estate investor, and a speaker. When two real estate courses he created, Rehabbing for Big Cash and Wholesaling for Quick Cash, became successful, he started a real estate investor’s website. The website also had an active forum.
He also wrote a book called Lifeonaire in which he uses biblical principles and using God’s word to live an abundant life.
He lives in Wisconsin with his wife Micheleen. He has five children and a grandchild. He currently has a project called the Guatemala Project, in which they are helping impoverished children to get quality education that otherwise would not have been able to.
He started real estate investing in 1998. Steve found himself in a failed restaurant venture and a recent divorce. Trying to figure out a way to support himself, he remembered a book he had purchased that taught him real estate. He then tried flipping homes after doing more research. He made $14,000 in the first 8 weeks with real estate flipping homes.
The first few years were hard for Steve and it wasn’t until 2002 that he reached financial freedom.
When word of his success spread, he found himself in a place where he was able to teach people the techniques and skills he used so that they too can achieve the same success Steve had achieved. He put all of his knowledge that he had learned into two courses, which are Wholesaling for Quick Cash and Rehabbing for Big. These courses taught how to be successful in flipping homes.
The courses cost about $497. In the course you will get Steve’s 343 page Rehabbing for BIG Cash manual, Fix and Flip Workshop Videos, Video Case Study: Texas Ave. Rehab, 4 hour ‘Rehab Reality’ Session, Rehabbing Forms CD and two bonuses.
The courses teach how to flip homes and sell it for cash.
What Steve Cook promises in his course is that you will find a comprehensive, step-by-step program and that shows uncomplicated approach to building an impressive income fixing and flipping houses in today’s market. He also promises that you will be completely amazed with the value of what’s inside and the difference it can make in your life when you apply it.
Steve Cook’s Training: Lifeonaire Insiders’ Coaching Program
Lifeonaire Insiders’ Coaching Program
Cook has a couple of real-estate-specific training courses, which I found at REIClub.com, and a coaching program, called “Lifeonaire Insiders’ Coaching Program,” which I found at Lifeonaire.com.
The coaching program comes with a price tag of $3000 plus $197/month.
It includes:
- Several Coaching, Training & Implementation calls each month.
- Wholesaling For Quick Cash – $497 Value
- Rehabbing For Big Cash – $497 Value
- Short Sale Wealth – $1997 Value (a course by Shaun McKloskey)
- Debt Free Investing – $97 Value
- “Get-A-Life” Webinar – $297 Value
Rehabbing for Big Cash
Cook’s course called “Rehabbing for Big Cash,” (at REIClub.com) costs $497. It includes:
- a 343-page manual,
- a 2-DVD set of Fix and Flip workshop videos,
- a video case study of one of Cook’s typical fix-and-flip deals,,
- 4 hours of a “Rehab Reality” audio,
- a date disk of rehabbing forms,
- and two bonuses: “Steve’s yucky house contractors agreement”, and a companion special report
The tagline for Cook’s Rehabbing for Big Cash program is “How to Build an Impressive Income Fixing and Flipping Houses in Today’s Real Estate Market.”
The description lists content by chapter to give you an idea of what you’re getting.
- Chapter 1 is an introduction that covers Cook’s background and qualifications .
- Chapter 2 Ethics and morals
- Chapter 3 white rehabbing chapter for how to get started
- Chapter 5 neighborhoods
- Chapter 6 building your team
- chapter 7 Contractors
- Chapter 8 Real estate agents
- Chapter 9 funding your deals
- chapter 10 other sources of financing
- Chapter 11 Settlement attorney / title company
- Chapter 12 insurance agents
- Chapter 13 other team members
- Chapter 14 locating opportunities
- chapter 15 buying from bird-dog and wholesalers
- Chapter 16 estimating values
- chapter 17 deciding on type of rehab and estimating repairs
- Chapter 18 making offers that make money
Wholesaling for Quick Cash
Cook has another course called “Wholesaling for Quick Cash.” It also costs $497 at REIClub.com.
In this course buyers receive:
- a 330 page manual
- CD called Quickstart
- CD called answers to your top wholesaling questions
- CD called the art of deal structuring
- CD call with Within interview with Bob Johnson
- CD with forms
- A video with Instructions about how to fill out wholesaling forms that are on the disk
- A special report called guide to setting up your office
Cook describes wholesaling as “finding a bargain property and passing it onto a bargain hunter . Although your bargain hunter could be a retail buyer, It’s typically another investor who will either rehab and resell it for profit or buy and hold it for rental income. Wholesaling is not rehabbing. The wholesaler is basically a middleman who makes the fast profit. That person finds the deal signs, it up and then flips it as it is to another buyer, collecting a check in the process..
Cook describes wholesaling as a fast business. He says you find you are typically quick in and quick out , often not even taking title but merely flipping a contract.
Cook describes benefits to wholesaling as threefold . Number one is that wholesaling for quick cash solves a common basic need: cash flow. The second benefit is that wholesaling gives a high return on time.. The third benefit is that wholesaling is easy to break into.
Steve Cook a Scam?
I don’t thing so:
I found a few reviews of Cook’s real estate courses:
Here are a couple of positive ones;
This is the holy grail of real estate courses on Wholesaling. Steve’s extensive background and knowledge on rehabbing and wholesaling makes this well worth the investment. He has surely provided me with all the knowledge I need to become a successful wholesaler. I recommend Wholesaling For Quick Cash ver. 2.0 for anyone wanted to start real estate investing but not sure how to do it. Dan T, Houston, Texas
It seems many of the real estate investing courses never seem to give you the meat of the matter. Not the case at all with Steve’s materials. I was more than shocked at all the information he provides when it somes to the business of wholesaling (and rehabbing) properties. He is miles ahead of so many in the industry but still is a down to earth human being. There are not any better courses or a better website than his when it comes wholesaling real estate. Thanks for what you do and please keep teaching. Mitchell Tide, Knoxville, TN
There aren’t any negative reviews that I came across, however this reviewer at ProgramCritique.com gave a slightly less glowing analysis than those above:
Many readers have argued that Steve Cook has nothing new in his course and is repetition of what has been said before. You can easily find the same content dispersed in late night television shows in details and with examples. It is said as the rework of Ron LeGrand stuff minus Ron’s Carnival Barker sales pitch. His content is more generalize and missed out the details and requisite examples wanted to clear out the picture.
Cook has posted real estate training videos on YouTube, but most of them are between five and eight years old. He does have some podcasts which are much more recent, including one on FlipNerd.com from just a few months ago.
Cook is a co-founder of an organization called Lifeonaire. It builds on his success as a real estate investor but is broader in focus. Cook’s goal in this organization is to help people find abundant life and financial freedom.
To this end, Cook offers a book called “Lifeonaire,” and a home-study course. It’s a webinar that costs $297. As already mentioned, this course is not real-estate specific. It’s about finding out what holds you back, how to achieve your vision, coming up with an action plan, etc.
Cook created a Lifeonaire Real Estate Investors Association to meet the needs of real estate investors with the Lifeonaire mindset.
Meetings are hosted in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Maryland. Go to Lifeonaire.com for details.