Can Roger Dawson Teach You the Secrets of Power Negotiation?
Hey, there.
First a heart-felt HELLO from my current office in the Florida Keys. (My wife snapped a pic of me.) I look out and see clearly where the blue sky meets the green blue ocean. Gorgeous… Def. not hard to take. Gotta love the laptop lifestyle.
Not gonna oversell it… ’cause nobody sees me grinding like a blacksmith at midnight when I’m due for a deadline for one of my clients, but again this is as good as it gets…ever! in MY BOOK.

Thanks for dropping in! Glad you’re here!
Can I ask what brought ya? I mean, I know you’re here for the 411 on Roger Dawson.
But beyond that, what?
Are ya sick of the rise ‘n shine at oh-dark-nine? The rush-rush in the metal crush? The i’s to dot for the cop on top?
I know the drill.
Too much month. Not enough money. Options in a freeze. Gut in a squeeze.
So you’re here to look at the guys who have made it big, who have thrown down the corporate clown (or never had one in the first place), who are captaining their own ships . . . and we’re talking YACHTS here! Not dinghies!
How are they doing that?
You’re here to find out, right?
Roger Dawson is most def a guy who captains his own ship. We’ll get to his story in a sec.
But first I wanna share how you can earn online with digital properties.
Never heard of dp’s? Ditch the shame. Neither had I until a few years ago.
(Quick slice ‘o my life for ya: I was heavy into REI, doing well, the economy crashed, lost it all, met a guy on the scramble back, who showed me another way.)
Now I’m neck deep in digital properties, where the risk is less than REI and I can bring in as much cash or more.
OK, now, to Roger Dawson, like I pinky promised . . . .
If you’ve looked under enough rocks for info on this guy, you’ll know he hasn’t sold his soul to real estate investing.
His gig is negotiating and negotiation tactics in the commercial and business world.
So why am I reviewing him?
Because he does have the low-down on negotiation tactics specific to real estate investing, and he’s got other real-estate-specific resources as well.
Roger Dawson Bio and Background
Here we go, then.
Dawson came to the US from across the pond in 1962 and became a US citizen ten years later.
I was going to say that he has done a million things over the course of his life, but that makes it sound like he has been fragmented and scattered. Not true.
This guy has actually been laser focused in his business gigs. But he’s also been around long enough to have pulled off a whole buffet of successful business ventures.
Dawson’s Relationship to Real Estate
He became president of one of California’s largest real estate companies. This particular company had 28 offices and 540 sales associates and pulled in over $100 million in business annually.
Ten years after he became a US citizen, Dawson became a full-time speaker, training managers and salespeople in the art of persuasion and negotiation. He’s on the stage to this day, giving seminars to corporations and associations across the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Pacific.
He became one of the country’s foremost experts in the field. At one point, Success Magazine called him America’s premier business negotiator.
A Look at His Secrets of Power Negotiating
Dawson’s program Secrets of Power Negotiating, published by Nightingale Conant, made a whopping $28 million in sales and, for a while, the cassette edition was the largest selling program in the history of audio business publishing.
He was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame in 1991 and has been awarded the CSP and the CPAE—the two highest recognitions bestowed by the National Speakers Association. Only a few professionals in the world have received both of these awards.
Dawson founded The Power Negotiating Institute, which you can explore online at
You might be thinking, this is all well and good, but how will it help me in my real estate investing?
Glad you asked.
R Dawson’s Real Estate Offering: Courses, Books and PDF
I’m gonna talk now about the real-estate specific products and resources that Roger Dawson offers.
One product is the Weekend Millionaire’s Real Estate Investing home study course. You can pick it up either as a book (only on for $22; currently featured on but with no button to click to buy it) or the audio version, which comes with 8 CDs and a PDF workbook. I found this at for $84.76 (not on Dawson’s site).
This is a course that Dawson co-authored and co-presents with Mike Summey.
They present ideas and concepts that are simple, realistic, doable, and workable.
The idea behind this course is that real estate investing is a pursuit you can do successfully on the side. In other words, you don’t have to quit your day job to be a successful real estate investor.
The program gives a step-by-step guide that shows investors how to identify potential properties as real estate investments, analyze property values, and get the most out of the investment whether the goal is buying and holding or flipping.
The program presents long-term strategies and market principles, showing how investors can create cash flow without investing a ton of capital and going broke in the process.
Program Promises and Details
The program teaches:
· How to find ideal investment properties
· How to determine a property’s investment value
· How to manage and maintain properties
· Power negotiating techniques
· An 8-step plan for how to pull off real estate investing on weekends
· The 14 biggest mistakes real estate investors make
· How to find motivated sellers
· How to find deals with no money down
Another Dawson resource specific to real estate investing is the book Weekend Millionaires Frequently Asked Real Estate Questions. This is co-authored by Mike Summey and Roger Dawson.
It’s available on Amazon as a Kindle version for $16. You can get the paperback, used, for as little as a penny (plus shipping) from affiliate Amazon sellers, up to $25 for a brand new copy.
The Frequently Asked Questions book includes questions submitted by Summey and Dawson’s students who took the Weekend Millionaires Secrets to Investing in Real Estate course.
Some of the questions answered in this book include:
· How long should I wait before I quit my job and invest in real estate full-time?
· Do you recommend 15-year or 30-year mortgages?
· Should the utilities be in my name, the management company’s, or the tenant’s?
· Do abandon properties make good purchases for investors?
· What is a direct principal reduction loan?
Looking for Dawson resources related to real estate investing that you don’t have to pay for?
I found a bunch of articles by Roger Dawson at REI These are available just by clicking on the link. No dinero required.
There is an archive of 25 articles written by Dawson. Some of these are real estate specific. Many are about negotiating drawn from Dawson’s experience and applicable to real estate investors in the deal-negotiation process.
Here are some of the titles of the articles REI
· Basic principles make you a smarter negotiator
· It’s time to get the deal in writing
· Learn to play the reluctant seller when you’re negotiating
· Never make a concession unless you ask for something in return
· Nibble for more at the end
· The importance of gathering information
· To be a more powerful negotiator never say yes to the first offer
· To get a better deal learn how to use the vice gambit
· To win in negotiations learn how to taper concessions
· Want to get more at the bargaining table
· Why it’s a mistake to offer to split the difference.
Dawson’s Audio and MP3 “Secrets to” Series
Dawson ‘s audio programs available at his website include The secrets of power negotiating for $69.95, Power negotiating for salespeople ($69.95), The secrets of power persuasion ($69.95), Confident decision-making ($69.95), The secrets of power performance ($69.95). All of these audio courses are six hours long and available on CD.Dawson has several video programs. These are 60-minute videos on DVD for $55 each: Guide to everyday negotiating, Guide to business negotiating, and Advanced tactics for power negotiating.Dawson offers a 12-part video series called power negotiating for sales people. This is $499. It comes with 12 DVDs and 12 CDs.Dawson has written a ton of books. They’re on his website, but with no Add to Cart button. So as of this writing, if you want to buy Roger Dawson books, you have to go to Amazon. This isn’t a bad thing, because on Amazon you have the option of buying the books used from affiliate sellers. It can save you a bundle.The books available on Amazon are: Secrets of Power Negotiating, The Weekend Millionaire’s Secrets to Investing in Real Estate, Secrets of Power Persuasion for Salespeople, Secrets of Power Salary Negotiating, Secrets of Power Persuasion, Secrets of Power Negotiating for Salespeople, Secrets of Power Problem Solving, Weekend Millionaire Real Estate FAQ, Weekend Millionaire Mindset, The Confident Decision Maker, You Can Get Anything You Want, 13 Secrets of Power Performance, and Confident Decision Making: How to Make the Right Choice Every Time.
His YouTube Presence
Dawson has a couple of YouTube channels, but one has only two videos and the other has five (posted five years ago). There are quite a few Dawson videos on YouTube, but all posted on a variety of channels.
If you want podcasts, you’ll find quite a few of those by Googling Roger Dawson podcasts. I found them on,,,,,, and on itunes. Some of these podcasts were broadcast as recently as two months ago.
Facebook Social Media
Dawson’s Facebook page, Power Negotiating Institute, hasn’t seen active posts since August 2014. However the last post is pretty impressive: a photo of Dawson with a host of Chinese bodyguards, taken during a trip to China where he spoke on negotiating to an audience of thousands (says the caption).
So there you go. Dawson is obviously a power player when it comes to smarts on negotiating and training large quantities of people on the subject.
He differs from many of the real estate gurus I have reviewed in that his training and knowledge are not focused on real estate investing. Also although he offers quite a few resources, he doesn’t have coaching programs or boot-camps.
His material is applicable and useable in the real estate field, though.
Ok, guys, this is Paul signing off. Hope you found this review helpful!
Over and out.
God Bless!