I share it here on my blog so that people have a one-stop place to get some real feedback on the gurus, seminars and people pulling the strings in the crash course real estate riches seminars and beyond. I try to get to the skinny if you know what I mean.
Why do I do it? Well certainly you can read my story but the gist of it is that
I lost everything when I tried to become a real estate superstar. I was trying to catapult myself out of my cubicle and realized that I put myself in purgatory. I was in a much worse condition than where I started.
So I was back at the 9 to 5 if you know what I mean. I was slowly giving up on my dreams until a life changing event. I met a guy named James when I was doing research online.
I had done some pay per click advertising and had just a tiny bit of success at it for a little business that my friend had started. So, I was looking for more things to do when I came across his blog.

He introduced me to a concept of helping small businesses get found online. Essentially, he turned me into a local lead generation genius.
To put it into perspective what I became to local small businesses is what this rich dude (above) is to the dating world.
Over time I realized that all of these real estate gurus are doing Internet marketing and the successful ones are making a ton.
So, from then on I listened to every word James and his business partner Dan said. I was able to finally declare RIP to the J-O-B and work entirely from home now.
One of the keys? Fail Fast!
Another key: Get a real life mentor (not someone you never get to meet).
I’m glad that I finally got the right mentors in place. This has been the game changer for me.
Believe it or not in between writing this post for you, I was able to stop and have breakfast with my kids and take them to school.
Pretty cool, right?
I know you are most likely searching for the same kind of lifestyle. So reach for your red bull and stick around. I’m gonna share all the dirty details with ya.
I hope my review helps you on your journey to a better life.
John Schaub is brilliant but I still say not a chance….
because I am over the high risk BS trying to do REI with no real financial backing. Nevertheless, John Schaub models a brilliant business persona, and quite frankly I love successful entrepreneurs. I like to see what makes ’em tick and try to glean as much wisdom from them as possible.
So let’s talk about John.
John Schaub: A Fresh Look at a Longtime Legend
Who is John Schaub?
Chances are you already know who John Schaub is. But just in case, I will include some of his background information here.
First off he’s been in the real estate investing world for over 35 years. He has seen cyclical movements throughout the last 35 years and has repeatedly come up with solutions to those problems.
One of my favorite things about him is that he’s an instrument rated airplane pilot. Having spent a bit of time in the air myself learning how to be a pilot, I have a deep appreciation for anyone that goes beyond the initial private pilot license and decides to get their instrument rating., It does require quite a bit of time and effort. He is also a boat captain.
He reminds me of a Swiss friend of mine Daniel who I’ve done a bit of sailing with. He is also a pilot and the boat captain. We sailed all through the British Virgin Islands together this year. These individuals who pick up on navigation the way that they do often become boat captains and pilots. What I can tell you is they are usually pretty sharp individuals….methodical masterminds.
John also has a real heart for people and is heavily involved with Habitat for Humanity. I have to tip my hat to anyone that is willing to give of themselves and I have a deep appreciation for this type of individual.
So, nothing bad to say here. I respect the guy. (But I’m still out, wink).
John Schaub Real Estate Strategies and Solutions
So many of the gurus today spend their time telling you how you can get rich in real estate and you really don’t need much money to get started. This is definitely not the message that John is sharing. He basically lets people know right up front that he totally believes in buying better. What he means by this is he simply doesn’t want you to become a slumlord. He says that you avoid a lot of problems if you buy better homes in better areas rather than just trying to go out and find a cheap home.
I have to agree with the guy. When I bought my first place that I intended on renting out, I bought in the slums. After dealing with quite a few renters in a short amount of time I came to realize the downside to buying something that is “cheap” is that it can cost you big time. Of course the problem is if you’re trying to buy better if you have to plunk down more cash on the table. This is what keeps a lot of people out.
Nevertheless if you can manage to do this you can alleviate a lot of the sticking points when it comes to renting to lower income individuals. I have a rule that if I wouldn’t want to live there personally I don’t buy it. I think this is a good rule of thumb in general because if you rent to people in the same socioeconomic status as you, you will relate and be able to make the business relationship a bit more predictable for yourself.
John Schaub Books and Newletter
- Building Wealth One House at a time March 2005
- Building Real Estate Wealth in a Changing Market August 2007
- Building Wealth Buying Foreclosures July 2008
To me, it is a little interesting that he stopped writing books around the time of the crash of the housing market. But that probably is just a coincidence and maybe he would found some better things to do with this time.
I was able to get a hold of a copy of John’s newsletter called John Schaub’s Strategies and Solutions.
In the copy I was able to read, he basically did a report on the principle listed in a book called The Richest Man in Babylon. He talks about sound investing strategies and makes recommendations on how to invest well. At the core of it all was certainly a message that said:
- don’t try to get rich too fast
- invest 10% of all the money you make into your future
- don’t do anything you don’t know how to do, and
- make sure that you stay in the council of wise people
I enjoyed the read because you can tell that he has lived his own journey and could relate to the material in the book. Obviously he has been seasoned throughout the process of acquiring / accumulating and keeping wealth.
Building Wealth One House at a Time Seminar Series
John Schaub and Peter Fortunato host a seminar they call building wealth one house at that time. This is a seminar designed to teach you management acquisition strategies. According to their website they put this seminar on once a year.
What’s the price of entry?
–Well besides the cost of travel and lodging, you can expect to pay:
- $549 for an individual or
- $950 dollars for a couple.
What do you get out of it?
Well, these guys certainly have spent their time taking their lumps in the real estate market and have watched it for over 35 years. You can imagine that after watching something fluctuate for that long you gain an understanding and a feel for what’s going on in the marketplace.
It’s the age old pattern recognition probability.
Day 1: You go to the river and there’s a lion.
Day 2: You go to the river and there’s a lion there again…
Day 3: You don’t bother going day three cause you know there’s a lion that lives by that river.
So, I think that’s probably what they bring to the table that should be underscored the most.
What are they promising in their latest course?
Learn about:
- Getting great deals
- Financing and cash flow
- Knowing when to sell to maximize profits
- Advanced techniques of exchanges
Hmmm. Sounds kind of familiar doesn’t it? It’s the typical seminar that will get you pumped up about buying real estate but then you’ve got to take huge action and actually get your hands dirty by buying some real estate.
So, I am all for seminars. But you might want to think about making sure that you have some backup plans in place so that if you get hung up once you get out on your own you need a place of resources. You might want to consider the very least you coming a member of bigger pockets.
And watching some of his YouTube videos I was able to definitely establish a rule that John lives by which is to make sure that any property that you buy cash flows from pretty much the moment that you begin owning it. If it doesn’t cash flow he says don’t own it.
John Schaub Course Review
Because I have not personally gone through one of his courses, don’t expect me to give you much depth when it comes to it. I didn’t find much in the way of video testimonials online that could give us much insight. The videos I found were pretty old (6-7 years).
But I can tell you that I have had friends who have attended courses like these.
What I have found is that the devil is always in the details.
What happens when you attend a seminar is that within a few days you have forgotten more than you realize. It is a common human blindness so to speak. We all think we retain more out of it than we really did. But the truth is, we are still a beginner. We also don’t know what peril awaits us.
Make sure that if you choose to go that you have a great way of taking notes and ensuring the knowledge that you get sticks. If you decide that you’re going to go all the way and you might want to consider purchasing John Schaub’s home study courses to supplement your training from the seminar. Here’s a list that he offers on his website:
- Negotiation for real estate investors
- Single family landlording
- Generating cash flow 24/7
- Buying real estate options
- Buying and selling with owner financing
- Using lease options to buy and sell property
- The business of buying and selling houses
- Buying property from the owners and lenders in distress
- Making money with investors
- Retirement investing
John Schaub Scam Report
I was unable to find anything related to scams or complaints online regarding John Schaub or the lectures company behind his website called Pro Serve Corp of Sarasota. Sorry guys no dirty laundry to air here.
Then again I’m not sorry that there is no dirty laundry because I have a lot of respect for honest businessmen who keep it real if you want to mean.
I hope that you find what you are looking for. I invite you to look around on this site, and I hope our paths will cross again. All the Best!
Paul (Real Estate Spy)