Marko Rubel Review: From Baller Boxer to Bulky Bankroller
Guess you can call this guy a capitalist!
just in case you are wondering the urban slang meaning of “baller” is coined after the expression of the kids that grow up on the streets and then go on to make millions, like the pro athlete ball players. You got my vector Victor?
So let the Real Estate Spy (me) do some work here.
I think it was Armando Montelongo who features a dude on his testimonials page that is completely blind who states that he has been making a lot of money in real estate using his methods.
So there is you and me…right? sitting there in the audience thinking… well if a totally blind guy can do it, I should be able to tear it up and make a crap ton of money.
There are all kinds of factors that play into the real estate game, but you gotta love Marko Rubel’s Rocky Balboa (theme song on his site) showing the world he is taking on the real estate game.
Now having been able to spend a lot of time around MMA fighters, I can tell you that these guys have a very specific mentality. They are driven as hell and not afraid to take a beating.
Marko Rubel is no exception. He knows how to deal with knock downs, upsets and setbacks. So, what am I saying? He has tenacity. Hell, I’d venture to say that I am sure I don’t have half of what this guy has. I’m just not wired that way.
I mean I love fitness (can’t believe they put that guy’s face on my body up above ;-)), but the idea of getting “punched in the face” isn’t my idea of fun.
Just take a minute and read through Marko’s story I will believe you will begin to see what he is made of and get a clear picture of how unique he is.
Let me dramatize it a little for smoother reading. It’s a great story and it is riddled with the hero’s journey.
We all love this type of story.
That is why the movie Avatar made $3,020,000,000.

(photo credit: google images)
Marko Rubel’s “Hero Journey” Story
The winters were cold and the economy was in shambles. After the second world war millions of Croatians struggled with the weak economy, and suffered with the living costs, even higher than those in America. Among them was a young and ambitious man by the name of Marko Rubel who typically left for school an hour earlier to repair his engine when it broke down on the road, a strategy that quite literally helped him out of a pinch more than just a few times.
Around the time Rubel made headlines for winning the Croatian national boxing championship for the third time in his lifetime.
His girlfriend Tammy left Croatia to finish college in the U.S.A. Despite his national success, his income just barely kept him afloat. When Tammy called him from America and raved about the Country, its people, and the opportunities available, Rubel knew he had to follow her. In 1994, against the warnings from family and friends, Rubel sold his second car, an old Volkswagen “Golf”, and with that money bought a one way ticket to Orlando, Florida.
-Hey… that’s where I live. Maybe that should make me successful at real estate too. wink… caution this blog may contain traces of sarcasm.
Seriously, I am not a cynical dude, but sometimes I think people should really know what they are getting themselves into when they start chasing the real estate money train.
-Back to the story…
Little did Marko know, the hardships he knew from home were soon to be trumped by the obstacles that lay ahead of him. Speaking virtually no English, he began working his way from job to job, learning basic English as he went along. He soon reached a financial plateau and decided to study Engineering at the University of Central Florida.
After Obtaining an Engineering Degree, he got his first corporate job in Quincy, Illinois. He was downsized in less than a year working there, and left jobless and without a penny.
Fortunately for Rubel, a new job was found just in time. He worked for Sony, in San Diego, but was downsized again after only 11 months, finding himself in the same predicament.
Being left in financial despair twice, Marko Rubel concluded that America was a country made for the rich, and to live the American dream, you had to be self employed. Many sleepless night plagued Rubel after he was downsized for the second time. He stayed up late thinking restlessly about his future and worrying about money. It was one of those nights where he stumbled upon something on television that would change his life forever.
It was an infomercial on how to buy real estate with no money down, and since Rubel had no money, this infomercial seemed very promising!
He soon began studying the art of real estate, funding his education with a job at Nokia. After many completed housing deals, he turned in his resignation to Nokia full of enthusiasm and excitement in 2001. He wanted to focus fully on real estate, and was ready to fulfill his life long dream of being self employed.
Less than 5 years later, Marko Rubel had acclaimed a net worth of over a million dollars. The spotlight was on him. After a few hundred successful transactions he is said to have perfected the system of buying and selling houses.
He was considered a master in lead generation investing and an expert in foreclosure investing. Most of his revenue is generated from single family homes using unlimited funding. His company generated millions worth of revenue annually, and so began Rubel’s quest to coach the thousands who wanted to do the same.
Marko Rubel Unlimited Funding Seminar
Today he is a self made multi-millionaire and a seasoned real estate expert with over 15 years of experience in the field. He is an author, a spokes person, a public figure and was even nominated for the prestigious “Who’s Who” in executives and Professionals.
His success has helped him create a large following of eager realtors and lay people, to whom he sells his knowledge at seminars and via the internet. Marko Rubel says that he has a passion for teaching and reaching out to those trying to achieve wealth.
He believes that more millionaires will be created within the next 2-4 years than ever before.
Rubel Seminar Review
His business strategies supposedly are unveiled at seminars he holds, although multiple sources claim that these seminars are intended to advertise his program rather than inform. But! he promises that he is “no guru”. He offers expensive memberships to his student who gain access to many videos online and the occasional live video lecture. Skeptics accuse Rubel of overcharging people for information that is not only outdated, but also readily available online.
Rubel has devised a system for negotiating with sellers that I find quite sophisticated. Instead of retorting “Is that the best offer you can make me?” regardless of stated price, the seller must first be educated on what a seller would normally charge. For instance: A house is being sold, you (the buyer) must show the seller what the price of the house would be when you subtract the realtor fee, the holding fee, any closing costs and finally the loan balance from the total property value before negotiating a deal.
Another one of his strategies concerns the first contact you ever have with a seller. The problem: A seller calls willing to buy his house, and asks what your company does. You tell the seller you buy houses. Errrr. Wrong. The seller is instantly on defense and worries that you are going to rip him/her off.
So what should you say based on the Marko Rubel’s infinite knowledge of Real estate? Here it is “We are a company that wants to HELP people sell their house in under a week, by buying it.” Voila! Rubel has also published a few books that reveal his business strategies.
Marko Rubel Books and Networth
Although I have no idea of his networth other than a fancy BMW and beautiful private jet in the video, I can tell you about the books he has published.
Invest in Real Estate without Banks
In 2007 he wrote his first book. It is titled: “Invest in Real Estate without Banks”. In this book he promises to teach you to build passive income with using your own credit and savings and without fixing houses or dealing with tenants.
Niche 2 Wealth : Million Dollar Foreclosure System
His most recent book was published on Jan 1st 2015, it’s called “Niche 2 Wealth : Million Dollar Foreclosure System” It promises to teach the secrets of the trade, and arm you with the tools needed to make 30 K a month by helping people who’s houses are in foreclosure while using none of your own money or credit. Marko Rubel has sold hundreds of houses and made millions of dollars. He claims that anyone can do the same.
No one can deny his experience and success. The man possesses an extensive amount of knowledge on the subject of real estate and is willing to share it at a fraction the amount of money he wants you to make. Surely he knows the business inside out, and he is a master of finding great deals in the places where no one else looks. Can this information be translated into your business? Is it outdated?
Is this man charging Idiots top dollar to slowly explain to them the most basic fundamentals of being a real estate salesman?
Who knows really. I couldn’t really dig up more dirt on him than anyone else. There were only a couple of complaints listed on the BBB, but everything looked resolved.
I firmly believe you are gonna always get those individuals that want to play the victim and expect everything to come easy.
The truth is: It Takes Real Hard Work and there are no guarantees. I lost so much money in the real estate market that I have come to believe that there are other things that you can do to make money that aren’t so top heavy when it comes to financial strains.
Take for instance digital properties. What do I mean by the term?
I mean, I have local digital properties online on the first page of some of the search engines for local businesses that have agreed to pay me up to 30% of whatever they make from the leads that I give ’em.
It’s a pretty sweet deal.
For instance, I have a tree site sitting out there. The other day, I got a call from a golf course through the site. They wanted roughly $6,000 worth of work for trees on their property. Guess what, if the deal goes through the tree company I work with agreed to pay me 10% so I get roughly $600.
I don’t have any of the hard labor. All I do is sit back (maybe talk to my tree guy) and collect a paycheck. Shut Up! Right?
How much did it cost me to develop the site? Shhh…Don’t tell anyone. Roughly $400 or $500.
(photo credit: FedEx..”click on the pic to take you there)
It’s like the old story (true or not) that a shipping company had a problem. I think when I heard the story I was told it was FedEx. Apparently, all of the conveyors stopped working at their main hub. The place was completely shut down. All the packages were stopped on the conveyor belts and the management team freaked.
They called a company to come to fix the problem. The repairman walked out onto the floor to see what was going on. Ah, he said. I know what the problem is.
He walked out to the middle of the place, went to a panel, opened it up and replaced one screw (prob a bs story, but you’ll understand the point).
Suddenly the place was bustling again. The noise of the conveyors nearly drowning out the sound of the conversation that followed:
Management team to repairman: Thank you. How much do we owe you?
Repairman: $10,000
Management Team: What? How much? You just replaced a screw.
Repairman: Yep
Management Team: We will need an itemized bill for the work you performed.
Repairman: Sure, no problem.
He took out his invoice sheet and wrote the following:
Screw = $.99
Knowledge where to put it = $9,999.01
Thank you for your business.
You get it right? The training came from a mentor that showed me the ropes. Now I can charge a premium for my knowledge. It is no different than a doc or attorney. Well, it kinda is. I didn’t have to go to years of schooling to learn it.
I still pinch myself these days that I get to work from home.
My neighbor told me the other day that she is jealous. Why?
I have: XXXX
- no clock to punch
- no fighting traffic
- no commute
- no stuffy business attire
- afternoon naps
- morning workouts
- tv time if I wanna veg. (although I don’t do much of that)
- lunch every day with my wife
- take my kids to school and pick ’em up
- kids’ football practice, no problem
So if you thinking I am trying to impress you, don’t be fooled. I am only trying to impress upon you that there is a better way.
You don’t have to lose it all to be able to get what you want for way cheaper than the real estate bus rides and expensive mailers.
Actually, do you know where I am right now? typing away? Think parking lot, Ipad. Hilarious.
I can work whenever and where-ever I want.
Alright, I am beginning to feel like I am the cop trying to talk you off the ledge (don’t do it, man, for goodness sakes!)
I’ll stop. Whether you choose real estate or not. I wish you the best and commend you for taking action in the direction of your dreams.
I’d highly recommend that you at least check out my recommended products section before you jump into a real estate seminar.
Peace out.
I will talk to ya later.