Fabian Calvo’s Resourceful Real Estate Academy, Books and Mentoring: Can it work for you?
What’s up guys?
Today I wanted to talk to you a little bit about Fabian Calvo, pump and dump real estate, Resourceful Real Estate Academy, Fabian Calvo’s Youtube Channel and You.
Let’s start with you first.
Why are you here?
Do you feel like this?
Can you imagine all the ways someone could tell you how to get out of the predicament above? Break the glass, screw off the lid, etc…..
Do I have permission to get real with you?
If you are anything like I was….
You hate the way things are going. and you are trying to figure a way out.
…turns out it’s ok to be disgusted with the way life is going or to have feelings bad things simply haven’t turned out the way that you wanted them to.
Are you considering taking on one of his courses? Or, are you planning on downloading some of his course materials?
HATE LIFE the way it is?
I know those are some powerful words. And….I’d venture to say that whatever has got you here is driven from a lack of desire to continue on with your current career pace in life.
This is where Fabian Calvo and I completely agree. In his video he talks about two economies. I won’t spoil it for you I’ll let you watch it yourself.
But his point is that either you can stay in the place of working for someone else in life where you were exposed to a linear income or you can expand your horizons to an exponential income by leveraging your time and effort through others.
That does not mean that you have to join a network marketing company, rather you just have to find a way to be able to make income while you’re not actively engaged with what you were doing.
This was what I was after as well.
I worked for medical company and was paid based on what I produced. As long as I was exchanging time for dollars I was limited on my income. It wasn’t until I landed a job where they paid me a residual commission that I learned laws of leveraged income.
You see I got paid a residual for every account I closed. The only problem was after five years it dropped off completely. What this meant for me was that my income dropped once the market was tapped out.
But it gave me a taste of what leverage income is all about. This put me on the quest to find something that works. Unfortunately real estate investing did not work out for me.
Why should you listen to me?
Because I have been right where you are. I was searching and scanning through the web looking for the right mentor or coach or program that would give me the secrets to being successful in real estate investing.
Know what happened to me?