Affluence Edu + the Middle Class = ???
Why 800 – 234 – 9927 is the last number I’d call right now.
=>First thing that happened:
This morning I was reviewing Grant Cardone’s “How to triple your Income.” He showed a graph from Forbes or Fortune showing the average savings and income of America’s middle class. Guess what! Disaster. Wish you could see it.
Here is something close to it courtesy of

=>The second thing that happened:
Guess what I received in the mail?
I got an invite for me and a guest to attend a free lunch or dinner. You know what they’re pitching?
A real estate course… they even offer to give the first 50 people a free laptop computer and all attendees get some disks and the MP3 player.
Who’s it sponsored by? Affluence EDU, LLC… and I thought…perfect for some Real Estate Spy Research
Will I be attending? Uh…Negatory, Nealy
(This is the Mailer) I did a full review on who they are below. Gotta finish my really resigned rant first.
Here’s the deal. I know how these things work. It’s the old method of expose, involve and upgrade. Maybe not Affluence Edu (but I’d be pretty hard pressed to believe it.)
They get you to the lunch/dinner peddling hope and tell you all the things you don’t know that you should know…then you join them for the first series of information and realize…oh, there is all this stuff I still don’t know, so you go to that course, possibly the next and the next.
The next thing you know? You are into the deal for thousands and you still haven’t made any money.
So, let’s press fast forward and get to the end of that train wreck.
You know the part where you have lost it all and are left wondering how you are going to climb out of the financial grave you’re in. Been there done that…. don’t wanna repeat it.
My DISCLAIMER! It might not happen to you. You are probably smarter than me, and I am sure they have great information, but I just want to point out that “It could Happen!” (just take a look) The problem that always persists is that you don’t know what you don’t know.
Now you might think I’m being overly negative, but I’m really not. One thing that I really like about Affluence Edu is that they have this statement in bold on their videos promoting their courses:
“These are some of our most successful students. Their earnings are not typical. Most of the people that attend the seminar don’t apply the strategies employed by these people, and therefore do not make money. These students also purchased additional training materials.”
Finally some honesty. The truth is that most company’s market with the exception to the rule….not the rule. I get it. We are all responsible for our own success and failure, which brings me to the point of today’s blog post.
Let’s get back to the first part of the EQUATION (=)….THE GRAPH that says we are ALL screwed.
Yep, you got it right…we are royally screwed (if we don’t have a way to leap frog out of the middle class).
So we’ve gotta do something right?
Real estate investing can be risky and the price of entry is high. REI sucker punched me in ways that left me breathless and broke.
Thankfully years later I met James, and he showed me how to dominate local SEO and local lead generation for businesses who need it. It was the second chance I had been waiting for. It has worked out beautifully.
Wanna hear something funny?
True story…. Yesterday I got call from one of my lead generation sites. (It’s a tree care site) The guy on the other end of the phone was a real estate investor who has the intention of buying 50 homes in the next five years. He’s a super brilliant fellow and we got into a conversation about real estate investing. I ended up telling him that I run this blog.
We kind of both chuckled over the idea. He told me it was so random to meet me because he was looking for a tree service. But that is my point. Even the real estate investors need my services. It comes back to the idea that you want to sell the pans for gold panning and not be the glossy eyed green horn yourself.
I say flip the finger to real estate investing… I found something better. I was tired of losing money…really didn’t have anything left.

(Jennifer Aniston in Office Space: photo credit)
There is simply a huge demand in what I do now and I don’t have to rely on just one thing to make it. Local businesses need new qualified leads and most businesses don’t know how to generate their own leads.
>>Enter Me.
I simply build it online and get paid for every lead I send. Best part, I can still invest in real estate if I want, but I don’t have to rely on it to profit.
Now you might think this is a pitch… but it’s not. It’s just an alternative that worked for me. Just like I told the guy yesterday… I am happy he has a way and he is fighting his way out of the MC (middle class). I believe it is the only way to go….’cause YOU GOTTA Do Something!
Like this social worker from Boston, Mass. did.
Affluence Edu Seminar
So on to the review: I’ve gotta eat crow here….and if you check out my other reviews I’m not normally like this. ‘Cause I’m grasping for stinky straws on this one, Stan.
When I researched the information available I found that there was not a whole lot.
What I found was that there was a list of trainers that they use to teach the material. There also seems to be some type of reimbursement course available to some participants. Most of the website though was devoted to a testimonials page that had quite a few videos.
Then I got interrupted (had to pick my aunt from the airport). I love that she came to visit. BUT>…..
Tonight as I went back to review their information to give you a summary, unfortunately something isn’t working on their site. It gives me the eternal circular arrow. The website never loads. I tried their blog and their home page…yeah..nothing. Sorry guys.
The only thing left to look at. (Especially when I notice a loading prob).
I checked the directory to see the status of the site and this is all I could find:

What this tells me is that they (whoever they are) registered the domain on Aug. 21, 2015. That’s only a couple of months ago. So they must still be in the build-out.
It also tells me that they bought the domain from Godaddy and probably are hosting it with them as well.
I’m sorry that is about all I could find. If you have more experience with these folks, please feel free to email me.
If you have personally taken their course, I am happy to add your review here.
All the best,
Real Estate Spy…Out.